Kakve koristi od depresije? Depresija iz evolucijske perspektive


  • Vlado Brcković


depression, evolutionary approach, inflammation theory, social rank hypothesis, social risk hypothesis, social navigation hypothesis, analytical rumination hypothesis


Why is depression so common in modern times? Many scientists tackled this question. From an evolutionary perspective, depression can be explained as an adaptation that became maladaptive. Many hypotheses about the adaptive role of depression or some of the mechanisms in its basis have been proposed. Certain authors consider depression to be adaptive because it stimulates behaviour useful in the defence of the immune system against infections and stressors, while others see its benefit in inducing behaviour that protects an individual from unnecessary injuries or helps preserve the individual's resources. Some hypotheses stress the adaptive importance of depression in stimulating the individual towards behaviour that will reduce the possibility of their exclusion from the group, while other hypotheses see the depressive state as a mechanism which warns close people that the individual needs their help. Certain authors consider depression to be an adaptive mechanism designed for solving complex problems and accompanying phenomena such as rumination and anhedonia to be helpful for that purpose.





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